Saturday, March 04, 2006

AW Week 8 Check In and a few Tasks

First, Tasks...

I did do the first giant whopping task and wrote out my newly discovered dream of bringing yoga to people rather than having them come to yoga. I think this scared the pants off of me and I've been running around in my underwear ever since. Okay, it scares me because it's so possible, so vivid, so real. I can see myself teaching yoga to kids in the cafeteria/auditorium in schools holding strong in Warrior 1 and 2, I can see myself teaching to sports teams and having high school football players stretching up into upward dog. I can feel the balance this will bring to their everyday lives.

The task about the new childhood irked me. I had the childhood I had and I do get that I'm supposed to dream up a new dream, but the fact that I can make up new dreams at any moment and take steps in their realization, that means my childhood was good enough. What would perfect look like anyway? I would rather start from where I am today.

About those colors. Here goes.

I am bold, brilliant captivating yellow. I am warm, sunny, and bring light into the darkest of moments and days. (This is now my living room color!)

I am a pale gray-blue. I am cool, refreshing, like water from the hose on a hot summer day.

I am lavender. The scent and color of healing and higher inspiration.

I am a rich olive green. I am growth, I reach beyond my current limits soaring like the redwood trees into new daring heights.

Twenty things I like to do:
play with Ava, color and paint on her easel
dance in the middle of the living room
take pictures of kids being kids
hang out with good friends
laugh and dream with T
motivate and encourage others
snow ski, and I want to try snowboarding
play with play-doh and smell the nostalgia on my hands
let the story write through me
read blogs
read books - all kinds of books
be alone in my house
giving Ava baths
being with kids
sex in the afternoon
(that's enough for now)

ideal day
wake up early, before T and Ava
write three pages
a few sun salutations and a couple poses that feel right for the morning
eat breakfast with my family
take Ava to the co-op daycare she loves
teach first yoga class - this one to seniors
lunch somewhere with a friend
teach second yoga class - this one to kids at an elementary school
write for a couple hours on latest book idea
pick up Ava from daycare
make dinner

And now, for that AW Check In
I did my pages 7/7 days. Today though I did them at noon instead of first thing, and I'm okay with that. I halfway thought about not doing them today but did anyway and of course I'm glad. I just don't function if I don't write those three pages!

Artist Date...I admit, I didn't do an artist date. I went to four yoga classes this week in addition to the three training classes and really, what time I had left I wanted to be with Ava and T, not by myself! I did take Ava on a walk around the block yesterday that felt artist date-ish. And as the song goes, C is for cookie, that's good enough for me! friend Bill who is an extremely talented photographer was in town this weekend and agreed to do headshots for me. The teachers of the yogadoodles program for preschool kids emailed me back and they're over near Oakland. Their mission is part of what I want to do - teach yoga to preschoolers! Lots of things that somehow lined up my schedule so I could meet my requirement to do 6 hours of regular yoga practice this week.

Issues...not really. I just feel like I am loving my life again since starting this yoga program and that all things are possible.


Blogger Leah said...

i'm so excited for you!! and you must feel wonderful after doin all that yoga practice!

7:34 PM  
Blogger eliza said...

hi julie,

i just love your color excercise. i got chills. and i am so with you on the new childhood task. exactamundo. i also experienced a similar mania after doing the task of mapping out my dream. it's too darn doable! makes me nutty! cuckoo for cocoa puffs! cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

good for you for walking that path, madame yoga...

8:20 AM  

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