Monday, February 20, 2006


Is there such a thing as too much possibility?

In the first weeks of the AW I was confronted by aches in my right hand and wrist and entertained other ideas of what I might want to do if I wasn't working on a computer all day.

The two ideas I came up with were to photograph children - and then shortly after that I got a haircut from a friend, we both want to work as photographers, and I bought an amazing new camera. My husband tells me just to play with the camera, just take pictures and have fun with it - don't wrap your head around making money with the camera even if you do spend a lot of money on it - just play with it. Evidently he knows my pattern of coming up with something new to do and getting stuck right about the time I think I ought to make money with it.

But I did photograph a birthday party of a good friend's daughter and I did have fun. I have the images burned to a cd to her that I am determined to get in the mail tomorrow. I have to say the good side of digital is that there is no huge cost of film developing or printing proof sheets - the CD costs little, copying the images from my camera to laptop costs only time.

This is all good...if it's so good, why am I a basket case? Why am I ready to bounce off the walls and bury my head in the sand to make it all go away.

Why am I so determined to limit myself and opportunities???

In reality...all I did was take pictures at a birthday party. That's it. In my head I have quit my job and somehow relying on what must be meager money that I would make shooting birthday parties.

This is what I do. I get way ahead of myself and get scared and worried and then terrified. Terrified of succeeding at doing something completely atypical.

Then the other thing. When I had hand and arm problems (which were, according to my awesome holistic practitioner all to do with not breathing while I was doing my MP's if you can believe that!) I also thought I'd love to teach yoga.

So of course, OF COURSE, since I am in the AW my usual yoga studio had a flyer a couple weeks back about instructor training. Six month course and (what feels like) a huge amount of money. No way I can swing it I tell myself and throw the flyer away. I just want to teach kids why do I have to go through a huge course like this?

So today after yoga I picked up a schedule and saw that the training is Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday afternoons - three weekends a month. Hm. I can at least ask the questions in my head...the questions like do I have to pay all at once or can I pay over time? What time exactly is the time commitment on those days?

So I get a quick response back...the training does start this Friday. OF COURSE IT DOES. OF COURSE I WANT TO PULL OUT ALL MY HAIR AND RUN IN CIRCLES MADLY AND RAPIDLY AND HIDE. Mostly I just want to hide.

I pay in four chunks, which are big, but manageable. The time commitment is 2 hrs Friday night, 3 hours Sat & Sun. Manageable. Uh-oh. I also have to take six hours worth of classes a week plus homework. I count. Fourteen hours of yoga a week.

I talk to my husband, who says, OF COURSE, if you want to do this we will make it work. I say "of course" because it's like the Universe is handing me a plate, full of being a yoga instructor, saying, help yourself. Don't you want this? Really, it's delicious, take some.

WHY DOES THIS MAKE ME WANT TO HIDE? Why does the thougth of having a wonderful, extraordinary life make me want to run to the nearest 8-5 job and sign up?

Oh - and OF COURSE I had a synchronistic conversation with my Mom this morning about religion and had a bunch of great ideas for my book.

I mean "of course" in the most sarcastic of ways.

Am I just crazy? How does anyone else deal with too much good? Is it possible to just accept it and say thank you????


Blogger Leah said...

i used to have a magnet that said, "there's no such thing as too much of a good thing."

i can totally understand where you're coming from. change is scary, success is scary, makes me think of this marianne williamson quote:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Yes, it IS possible to accept it and say thank you. Enjoy it all darlin! Live it up! Taking the leap is scary yes, but it's also exhilerating. :-)

8:55 PM  
Blogger Semi-Wicked said...

Your husband? Did I miss something?

9:46 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

no, I didn't get married since I last talked to you, I just call him that because in my mind we are already married even if a judge or minister hasn't pronounced it so!

10:17 AM  

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