Saturday, February 25, 2006

Slapped in the face by imperfection

I started this morning by assisting at a yoga class - my role was to observe the instructor - a friend of mine - as he taught the class.

I guess because I've practiced yoga for the last seven years I thought I should be at least as observant as an instructor, right? Of course not. My friend is a really talented extraordinary teacher who studied with BKS Iyengar in India and has been teaching for at least 10 or more years. He's been practicing for about 20.

What right do I have to compare myself to him as an instructor???

I am okay with the beginning of my new book being imperfect - I'm not even using Word to tell me when I make mistakes or autocorrect problems. I'm okay with my newly painted wall being imperfect considering the edges and ceilings aren't perfect in our 1940s house!

Of course though I should be a perfect yoga instructor on day one, when I haven't even gone to the class on teaching techniques and assists - it's this afternoon!

Evidently there is a perfectionist lingering in me still, saying you have to get this right and quickly as my whole future depends on it. No wonder T just said - do it - don't think about what you're going to do with it - just show up.


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