Idiosyncratic Tag
Stef tagged me to list 5 of my idiosyncrasies. I had to read her list for ideas as to the nuances about me...
1. I have to make the bed in the morning. The house looks "clean enough" to me if the bed is made.
2. I love big fat crayola markers. I have a big butterfly box of them. I always look for new colors when I go to Target.
3. I hate when people call the toilet the "potty." Kill me if I ever use that word with Ava.
4. I get most irritated when I'm told that I can't do something because I'm a woman. As far as I can tell, the only thing I can't do as well as a man is pee standing up!
5. I need structure, but if I have more than two things planned in a day I feel anxious and trapped.
Now I tag Piepa Regbu!
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