Thursday, August 04, 2005

Headlights covered under warranty

I met an angel today. I'll call him Joe, because he looked like a Joe.

When I went to go drop off my car this morning at VW for it's overdue 40K maintenance and a couple of warranty items, Joe was there. I wasn't expecting the doors to the shop to be open yet because it was only 7:21AM and I knew they opened at 7:30, but the doors were wide open, the lights were on, and there was Joe.

I told him when he was typing all my car info in the computer that I was surprised to see the shop open before 7:30 or even 7:45, but he said he made it a habit to come in a bit early so he could attend to people as they arrived and not have a group of toe-tappers with car keys in hand as he was fumbling to open doors. No, Joe likes to arrive early so he can send people on their way to work.

Joe asked me all kinds of questions about the two things that trouble me about my VW Cabrio...more specific questions than anyone has asked me before, although I've had VW look at these same problems a few times. He didn't make me feel like I knew nothing about cars because I don't have extra dangly bits between my legs.

The bonus though, was that my burnt out headlight was under warranty! Imagine! A headlight under warranty!

Unfortunately someone else from VW called and said that I need new brakes, which didn't surprise me, and a couple new belts so my A/C and power steering continue to cool and steer, coming up to $1100 more than I expected (ouch!)...but that's just what happens when cars get driven. Things wear down and need to be replaced. But at least the headlight was free!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joes are wonderful. Wink!

6:31 PM  

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