Saturday, July 16, 2005

Introverts of the world, unite

Once I heard that one definition of an introvert is that he or she rejuvenates when alone and that an extrovert rejuvenates around lots of people. Although I never thought of myself as an introvert because I thought the definition had something to do with liking people, which I do, by this definition, I am a card-carrying member.

Last weekend I ran away from home. I love my boyfriend and my daughter, but the last time I was away from BOTH of them humans hadn't invented the wheel yet. BA (before Ava), when I lived by myself in a cute Victorian flat at the top of the hill in Noe Valley, I used to spend oodles of precious, delicious time by myself. I don't remember what I did during this time, just that the memory of it melts in my mouth like warm butterscotch.

I become a stress case when I commit to multiple social engagements in a week, and this weekend, against my internal alarm system warnings, I committed to two parties today, breakfast tomorrow, and some much needed girl time with my succulent friends. Of all of these, only the girl time was not getting removed from my calendar under any circumstance.

This morning though, Ava's nap resistance came in handy, because when we were finally on our way to the first event of the weekend, she fell asleep when I turned on the ignition and I arrived at the two-year-old's birthday party with the brilliant true excuse that Ava FINALLY fell asleep, and she really needed the nap, yada yada yada, and deposited gift for the birthday girl and was out the door, headed to the drive through taco bell I saw on the way there.

I would have loved to go to the party, but not two parties in one day, for people that are more T's people than my people. Please, that's enough to convince this card-carrying introvert to move to a log cabin at the top of a mountain.


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