Wednesday, November 30, 2005

And the answer is...

c) I ran into the front door, while (subconsciously) running away from my family.

I went to go put Ava's booster chair in my car after seeing there was already a high chair waiting for her, the strap caught on the table next to the door and I didn't notice the door caught on the carpet and I walked right into the edge.

A bump the size of a marble grew just beneath my eyebrow and eventually the swelling went down after icing it for two hours before Thanksgiving dinner.

I did not say, during dinner, that I was grateful for getting a black eye. Amused, perhaps, but I not grateful.

My eye is now at that yellowish-dark purple stage and looks like a case of 80s eye shadow gone awry. I also managed to bump my forehead on a shelf a couple days ago and T exclaimed, "That's it! They're putting me in jail for sure!"

I assured him I would tell the police I am not a battered partner, just a clumsy one.


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