Dry to Juicy in less than 48 hours
Months ago, a weekend escape for myself and two lovely succulent friends was planned. Days inched by and suddenly the weekend was upon us. I had thought there would be minor drama, inability to go by someone, possibly me, or drama around driving, or around eating, or something.
But I underestimated our dynamic trio. There was no drama at all! As it turned out, we all needed the weekend escape from reality, needed the longer luxurious expanse of time between Friday after work and Sunday late morning together to be appreciated, cajoled, teased, and loved for exactly who we all are.
For me, what I needed most was to get grounded in me again. I've been on such a whirlwind since I started my new job nearly 3 months ago that I've been a stressed out shell of my former ebullient self. "Where did I go?" I pondered to one of our trio; "where ever I went, I want to get me back!"
I can't say it's something we did, I mean, to a super efficient time management (freak) what we did would seem minor, to be measured in sentences not paragraphs or chapters. But it's what we didn't do that made all the difference. We didn't argue. We didn't have to take care of children, partners, and without that, being together was all we needed to take care of each other. Mostly, what we did was give ourselves space to take care of ourselves.
Oh. And I learned how to play gin and make mung dal soup with spinach.
I was writing this morning on the prompt from Rob Brezny's book "Pronoia: Antidote for Paranoia" after reading about how Thomas Edison had like 10,000 failed inventions and nearly all of his patents were from happy accidents. What, I was asked, have I done and failed at 10,000 times. I giggled. I know, the thing I've failed at a lot is taking care of myself.
My beautiful friends, I trust you're reading this, thanks for helping me find myself again and laughing at the vacuum cleaner salesman.
Labels: succulence
Wow! I wish I could have been there with you. It sounded like a great, restorative weekend!
Bonnie :-)
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