Thursday, June 28, 2007

20 years after high school

Tomorrow is my 20 year high school reunion, which has me in a slight, but manageable tailspin. I got to thinking this morning of what I wanted to do prior to the reunion...

Things I wanted to do but didn't....
Get my hair cut
Get my teeth cleaned
Find a fabulous new dress
Go on 30 day cleansing diet to clear up acne
Figure out the best way to remove hair from my legs
Have some kind of book published

Things I did accomplish, that I wanted to have done...
Start my yoga business
Have a life that is reasonably balanced between work, family, and me
Have a wonderful three year old daughter
Have a fiance who my partner, my equal, and wouldn't have it any other way

Then I also got to thinking about 20 years ago, and what I never dreamed possible, that I have done....
Briefly be a dot com (almost) millionaire and then not
Have any clue what a dot com was
Help build half a dozen start up companies
Live in San Francisco (but I dreamed of it!)
Travel by myself to Europe for 3 weeks
Travel through Africa with my Dad for a month
Sleep in a tent in Botswana with lions and hippos wandering nearby
Travel to Hong Kong, Singapore
Be valued for being smart
Become a yoga instructor (wanting to teach anything fitness was beyond my imagination)
Create and publish (with lots of help) a world-wide read Internet magazine
Have friends that I love, adore, and treasure
Co-Developed and lead writing workshops with a great friend
Do lots of things with the help of others
Ask for help
Be willing to attend my 20 year reunion!

I'm sure there's more...but tell me as you glance back at your life 15 or 20 years ago, what have you done that you never imagined possible?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

have a wonderful time - enjoy it, soak it all in and breath baby!!

can't wait to hear all about it

8:20 AM  

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