Thursday, August 24, 2006

Talk of work and yoga and transitions

Greetings, my loyal fan base of five, which include my close friends and mom!

I think frequently about how I should write what's going on with me on this self revelations blog, but alas, I am human and that fleeting moment when I have a poignant thought that would love publication is usually when I am driving and by the time I reach my destination the thought has evaporated.

Since we last left our heroine (me) I got my first check as a yoga instructor for teaching at my daughter's pre-pre-school. I scanned it so I have a copy forever and ever (for me, and the IRS as needed).

I've been bitching about my job for a while now, on and off really since I started 18 months ago. There are things I love about my job - and those things are people who have names identical to those of my co-workers. I love the team. But what I am completely and exhaustively tired of are the clients - the people at client sites who have dozens of problems with their computers that I get to fix and I'm somehow responsible for in the first place.

Then I got an email from a friend and ex-coworker from our fabulous company Scient that met with an ill-fated demise. The subject:

"Are you looking for work?"

And although I didn't think I was looking (funny how that is) I thought, if a gift horse trots it's way into my email, I better investigate. I better see if this new job is what I want to do.

So I found out, and it was precisely what I was looking for and wrote in my journal ages ago. It's a nonprofit, hours are super flexible, contract work so I'm not a chained down employee, it's web infrastructure work in a datacenter, not in an office fixing a kazillion problems. It's the stuff, if I have to work in computers, that I would rather be doing.

I gave notice at my present job, not the usual 14 days "take this job and shove it" but 14 days as usual, then 14 more days working a bit less, and rather an indefinite "I can do one day a week as long as you need me or are willing to pay me." Because, as I said, I love the team. I'm willing to live with the clients for a while longer because I love the team.

Other things are that I passed my yoga teacher training final exam.


I am now, just shy of the actual certificate, a certified yoga instructor. This week, with the laws of synchronicity helping me out, I substitute taught a yoga class to adults. Two adults, to be exact, but they were still adults and I still get paid to do it.

I also received my self-designed business cards, well I say self, but what that really means is that they are Stef-Becky-Diane-Shanta-T designed business cards. I'm grateful to be past the stage where I don't have to do things all by myself anymore. They're beautiful, I think they're beautiful, which is super-cool because how often do you look at a business card and say "that's beautiful"? Exactly. Not often at all. If you want one, send me a quick note or post something here and I'll mail you one :)

Now though, looking at the clock, it's time for me to eat the rest of breakfast and head to one of those client sites with people that want me to fix their computers. But it's much easier to do a job I don't like when I know there's an end to it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a loyal fan wondering if you had fallen off the face of the internet, but then I saw your REAL face today so I knew you just hadn't typed nuthin for a while, especially when you've got so much brewing and percolating and steeping (and probably other hot caffeinated beverage metaphors) Where was I going with this? Oh my goodness! What are the other four readers going to think??!! Oh my!!
Congratulations on being in the middle of another classic amazing Julie Life Swirl. Enjoy it all!

9:34 PM  
Blogger Semi-Wicked said...

Wow. That's an amazing post. Congratulations, Julie!

2:08 PM  

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