Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ground for potent change

I believe something powerful and potent is happening in my body. On Tuesday I went to see my trusted homeopath and mentioned a few ailments and as a last thought that I've had a minor bit of congestion for a while. She said I've had the congestion for six weeks (which sounds right), okay, I look in my calendar having no clue what would have happened six weeks ago. No, nothing obvious, but wait, it was a close relative's wedding anniversary and her husband passed away two years ago.

It's not about me specifically. I picked up some kind of virus about this so my homeopath cleared it and sent me on my way. Since then I got conjunctivitis (pink eye) in my left eye and an off and on sinus headache & congestion combo. It's all the virus - starting with my gall bladder that is somehow connected to my (poor) hearing and perhaps even my (poor) vision.

The pink eye is getting less pink, fortunately, and today's yoga training class gave me more energy than I've had in four days. During class I was thumbing through my copy of Light on Yoga by Mr. BK Iyengar himself and found a bit on remedy poses for gall bladders. I thought, just for fun, I would insert into my semi-predictable home practice the poses recommended for gall bladder issues. Just to try, experiment, and see what happens. A bunch of them I've been doing already, to my surprise, but I'm going to see if there is anything new I may add.

Because I believe something major is happening in my body, that through all of these hours and hours of yoga I'm blasting through some major blocks and things are coming up. Things, emotional things, stored in places in my body that are stuck.

I took on this class because I wanted to teach kids yoga. Some more intelligent part of me knew yoga would heal me in the process.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I saw the word "potent" in your post, I kept reading it as "poRtent", as in "omen." Woo hoo!
Yes, let your muscles release all that stuff. Your body TOTALLY knows what it's doing!

10:14 AM  

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