Thursday, April 20, 2006

When the family is away...

...Mom goes to yoga!

I've hit an all time Julie record. 3.5 hours of yoga in one day. 30 minutes this morning (yoga and meditation) before work. 1.5 hour vinyasa kick-my-butt class at 4PM and 1.5 hour restorative try-to-get-my-brain-to-relax class at 7:45PM.


I have actually done all of my 6 requisite weekly practice hours already. Okay, I've done 7.25 already AND assisted in a class on Tuesday. I am trying to bust through this block that has my hips stuck. I'm so close I can feel it or maybe what I feel is the ache in my right knee from the super-tight right hip.

Tomorrow I'm assisting in a prenatal class. If there is one thing I envy of pregnant women is the openness in their hips! I wish I'd thought to take advantage of the flexibility I had when I was carrying Ava, but I was too busy being big and waddling to notice. Either that or I was caught up in a tumultuous mood swing. Okay, I'll work with my hips how they are now instead of aching for how they were preparing to deliver a child.

Speaking of house seems emptier by the day. The cats are great but they aren't filling the space - the chasm - left by T and our little girl. Doing my best to enjoy the days but I'm looking forward to being Mom again on Monday when they return.

Yes...please steal my idea for rolling the die to figure out what you're doing! So glad to be of help!


Blogger eliza said...

hey! great work. go-go-go! you must feel terrific.

i'm so glad to know that pregnant women's hips open up and become more flexible. mine are so not that i can't even make a ninety degree angle with my legs when i'm sitting on the floor. in fact, i have a clear memory of a gymnastics class when i was nine or ten, where we were stretching out and the instructor was saying, come on! you can spread 'em further than that! and i couldn't. i've been wondering if the doc would have to, you know, break a window when the time came!

1:11 PM  

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