Wednesday, May 17, 2006

When things line up

On nights like these I don't know quite what to do with myself. Ava was delivered to me asleep at 7:10PM and since she didn't nap today I figure she's out for the night. My mind races with the twenty things it could do in my free two hours. I can't leave the house because I'm not moving the sleeping toddler, but there are all these things that could use doing.

I've had enough yoga for the day. I led my second of two volunteer classes for a group of 12 year old girls training for a 5k race on Sunday. There was one girl in particular who was quite the chatter box. I got my biggest lesson though when I realized that the girls on one side of me were all following along, and the girls on the other side were all chatting...I just taught the ones who were paying attention!

In my not too distant past, as in yesterday, I would have paid more attention to the ones who weren't listening. I would have been angry, or upset, or tried harder to get their attention. Today I just turned to face the four girls that were doing their best to follow my instruction. I adjusted their poses and praised their efforts. Then I noticed most of the other half were paying attention again so I said "welcome back" and sat so everyone could see me. I got the most chagrin when I demonstrated virabhadrasana three and arda chandrasana, as in "I can't do that!" but I just said "try, see what happens."

It took a few miracles to get me to the class today. Yesterday I was full of reasons why I couldn't lead this class even though I loved it last time. Too busy, can't take the time away from work, only have six yoga mats and I need ten, such valid excuses. But I dusted off my excuses and told myself yesterday afternoon I was going to Big 5 and I was going to buy four mats, even if they were $20 a piece I'll need them for my kids class in June.

I walk to the aisle and they're on SALE! Instead of $19.99 they're $11.99! Okay, fine, I tell whomever is listening in the Universe, I'll teach the class.

Of course today lined up perfectly and I wasn't even missed when I left my last client at 3PM. Of course the girls remembered me from three weeks ago and some were even excited about yoga today.

Of course I realized that I just adore teaching this age group. I adore teaching girls, this age, on this edge of puberty, on this fragile, fertile ground when they're at risk of forgetting how wonderful they are.

Teaching the toddlers will be fun; I know it will. There is something about teaching girls this age how to focus, how to find the strength and power in their bodies that are changing rapidly and sometimes not rapidly enough. Maybe I'm trying to reclaim myself when I was 12. Maybe I wish yoga was a part of my life then. Maybe I just want to share this gift with them and see what happens.

Now though, that I've completed one of those things on my list, I'll open my last remaining unopened yoga book on Anatomy of Movement and get my brain a little more prepared for this weekend's yoga classes on anatomy.


Blogger eliza said...

man - you sound terrific. in both these last posts. terrific work, julie! so glad to hear that things are lining up. i loved what you said about twelve-year-old girls being at risk of forgetting how wonderful they are. good for you for being there to help them keep remembering.

7:57 PM  

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