Sunday, April 07, 2002

Aunt JuJu

A nineteen-month old angel named Karilyn entertained me on Friday and Saturday, pulling me insistently by the hand into her magic plastic playcastle. She could sit up just fine, I was grateful that my behind was small enough to fit through the door.

And I have a new name, thanks to her, because "Aunt Julie" is a bit too much for her to say, so I am "juju" to my sheer utter delight.

Went to lunch with my boyfriend from sixteen years ago. Spent the whole lunch thinking "I need to apologize for being a creep to him sixteen years ago," but said nothing, sitting high and mighty on my new age throne. After cleaning up all the messes I've created in my life, this was the only one left. I hadn't heard from him in years, and suddenly the email from him appeared out of nowhere, right when I was cleaning up the debris of emotional messes I'd left everywhere. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences.

So after lunch I called him and apologized for the lots of things I did wrong - which I didn't list to him, so I'm not going to list here either - and acknowledged him for being such a great person. He is. Really. I was the creep.

I felt like a reborn human after making that call. Which was funny, because my angel card du jour was "birth".